Unraveling Unexplained Infertility: Addressing Subconscious Blocks
Feb 14, 2023How The Stress-Reducing Technique Called EFT Can Work for New & Hopeful Mothers
Our bodies are so much more than biological machines. We truly are impacted by our thoughts, emotions, traumas, and memories. As a massage therapist, I’ve had countless clients have memories reemerge during sessions, or illicit processing via tears.
I really try to normalize this because our muscle tissues can carry or hold memory. I went searching for a more profound way to support our clients who need this type of support and found Marna Currie, an Advanced Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Practitioner and Maternity Reflexologist.
I’m thrilled to have Marna as part of the Sparrow’s Nest team, and would love to fill you in on the many benefits this technique holds for relieving emotional pain, excavating subconscious blocks, and specifically supporting key facets of motherhood.
What is EFT Tapping?
EFT is a trauma resolution technique that supports a spectrum of discomforts from anxiety to severe PTSD. We specialize in EFT for postpartum trauma & unexplained infertility.
EFT is a practice that consists of gently tapping with your fingertips on specific meridian points while talking through a protocol. Influencing a wide range of emotions and negative memories. EFT helps bring you into wholeness and will help clear beliefs and emotions that are stuck in your system, influencing your day to day life.
How it can help you?
We specialize in EFT for postpartum trauma & unexplained infertility.
In addition, EFT may be useful for:
- Physical and emotional problems
- Childhood trauma
- Sexual abuse
- Autoimmune
- Pain
- Birth Trauma or Loss
- Fears
- Stress/anxiety
- Cyclical/stagnant health and behavior patterns
- Grief
- Unexplained Infertility
Why EFT?
What makes EFT unique and powerful is that energy is actively being moved. It’s more than ‘cognitive only’ talk therapy, it is a somatic therapy also. In other words, it works with the mind AND whole body. It’s not only from the ‘neck up’ as it were. It takes you out of the cycle of only talking about your discomforts and going around in circles. Energy is being shifted by tapping on the meridian endpoints thereby discharging emotions that are trapped in your nervous system and meridians. Emotion is ‘energy in motion’ but when we grew up we lost the art of crying and stamping our feet. We unconsciously behaved in a way conditioned as appropriate to fit in. So we suppressed or repressed emotion instead, which can ultimately manifest physically in the form of ‘dis-ease’.
How does it work?
-Assess your current level of physical or emotional pain
-Focus on your main area of discomfort
-Repeat a tailored dialogue
-Perform a tapping sequence
-Reassess your pain level
How Do You Approach EFT for Unexplained Infertility?
“Emotions should be the first port of call for unexplained infertility before IVF is considered,” explains Marna Currie, our Advanced EFT Practitioner at Sparrow’s Nest.
There’s nothing quite so frustrating as struggling to conceive and then getting your blood, hormone or semen analysis back and realizing they’re all within the bounds of normal. No explanation at all for why you’re not yet pregnant.
This is where EFT can come in to explore the deeper subconscious blocks that may be holding you back from conceiving your dream child.
While there are many reasons that our emotions can be keeping us from getting pregnant, there’s something called Secondary Gains of Infertility that is quite common. A common example of secondary gains is the ability to continue to climb the corporate ladder for women whose careers are not yet at a place that they feel they can “afford” to take a maternity leave. So the gains of not becoming pregnant is that you can continue to build your career momentum. Much of this is unconscious, and EFT is an efficient tool for excavating the underlying blocks that may be at play whilst still acknowledging the importance of your career. It’s most likely this has never been spoken about out loud.
Another emotional theme Marna sees often in her practice is the guilt that’s associated with a past abortion. Marna says “Guilt is in bed with Punishment,” and often we don’t feel deserving of a healthy pregnancy because of the guilt of a past termination (even when the termination was the right choice for you). Many women will continue to punish themselves emotionally and subconsciously, and when the guilt is cleared, pregnancy very often occurs.
If this is intriguing to you, watch the IG live interview on Unexplained Infertility with Marna.
How Do You Approach EFT for Postpartum?
Postpartum is a very vulnerable time, and yet it is frustratingly under supported in this country. Birth is a huge transformation (even if you had the most ideal birth). Couple that with any level of disappointment or trauma, and you can see how this type of emotional support is essential to a new mother. During her postpartum EFT sessions, Marna focuses on helping new mothers reconnect with themselves (or the new version of themselves), process their birth story or trauma, and move ahead into their motherhood journey with peace and clarity. The uterus is the house metaphorically and the pelvic floor bears the weight physically and as mothers we have this new responsibility of often invisible weight of care toward our family. The greatest short term gift with longterm benefits is releasing the unnecessary weight of trauma or unexpressed emotion at this time to help clear the way for positive potentials as your new role as a mother.
EFT for Preparing for Your Ideal Birth:
Preparing for birth with EFT is an effective way to release fear of the unknown or release past unresolved emotion or even your own personal birth trauma first and foremost. Then we can fill the space we’ve created with a new vision or ‘imprint’ of how you want your experience to be. What are the feeling senses, sights, smells and tastes you want to experience?! If resistance comes we tap through it! It’s a wonderful exercise. We can play in this space from 38 weeks onwards. If this resonates please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
I’m looking forward to preparing for my own upcoming birth in the spring by doing EFT sessions with Marna. I know it will help me prepare for my homebirth VBAC, and I hope to be sharing a triumphant birth story with you in the spring.
With love,
If you feel like you could also benefit from EFT, please schedule a session with Marna. All EFT sessions take place online, so you don’t need to be local to Los Angeles to benefit from her care. There are also discounted EFT packages available.
If you happen to be local, you can also do an EFT and Reflexology Combo where you can receive one EFT and one Reflexology session (and you can see her for a Reflexology session in person.) It’s a remarkably therapeutic combination!
If you know a friend or relative that might benefit or instinctively know would enjoy EFT please access our gift cards link here. Invest in the mother and she’ll invest in the baby!
Get The Guide To Easeful Motherhood Your Mom Wishes She'd Had!
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