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Gentle Conception Support: How Bodywork Led Two Mothers in Their 40's to Healthy Babies

fertility mercier therapy Jan 30, 2022

Two beautiful healthy little girls were born in the last two weeks!

In my last love note, I was celebrating a VBAC with you, and this love note I want to share the arrival of two Mercier Therapy-assisted babies!

Two beautiful healthy little girls were born in the last two weeks! One arrived May 24th, and the other arrived June 3rd! Both their mothers carried to full term, and are healing and doing well. Both moms are in their 40’s, with one being in her late 40’s.

It’s been over a year since these women came to see me for the fertility support I offer called Mercier Therapy.

After the six hours of hands-on fertility treatment was complete, I stayed in touch with these women, and was thrilled to get the news of their pregnancies!

As so many who struggle with fertility know, the prospect of loss is ever present, and it’s hard to celebrate simply from the fact that they had a positive pregnancy test.

However, slowly, as the weeks went by, and the second trimester was reached, more and more hope and cause for celebration seeped in.

I remember each of them passing the halfway point of pregnancy at 20 weeks, and then hearing them share their eagerness to make it to the 24 week mark, in which most pregnancies are considered viable.

Every milestone that passed, I could feel each of these mothers settle deeper and deeper into the gratitude of their inevitable motherhoods.

While not every one of my Mercier clients chooses to or is able to see me for prenatal massage during their pregnancies, these two women did.

It was a deep honor to nurture them through these very wanted and sometimes nerve-wracking pregnancies.

I saw each of them for their last prenatal massage days before they gave birth, and it has brought me another level of satisfaction in this already gratifying work I get to do.

These two mothers, along with all mothers, mothers-to-be, bereaved mothers, and hopeful mothers, are WARRIORS.

It is such a pleasure to witness the power of all female-bodied people, and the fear that is overcome by courage to result in these epic moments of celebration.

Thanks for celebrating the births of these babies and these mothers with me!

With love,

P.S. If you’d like more information on Mercier Therapy, you can contact me here for a consult, or you can watch the full-length documentary about it on Amazon by clicking here.

P.S. If you’d like more information on Mercier Therapy, you can contact me here for a consult, or you can watch the full-length documentary about it on Amazon by clicking here.

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